Thursday Social Run
Thursday 18:30 - 19:30
Thursday Night Social Runs - All Abilities Welcome
Our Thursday night social runs are unstructured sessions, catering to all running abilities. We offer two routes each week: a shorter (3-4 miles) and a longer (6-8 miles) option, allowing you to choose the distance that suits you best.
Whether you prefer a leisurely chatty run with friends, a challenging tempo run on your own, or simply enjoy a casual run at your own pace, you're welcome to join us.
Connect with fellow runners, build lasting friendships, and experience the camaraderie of the BADGERS Running Club. Enjoy the benefits of social running, such as improved motivation, stress relief, and the opportunity to meet new people within the local community.
Join the fun every Thursday evening!
Guests Runners
Guest runners can attend for a maximum of 4 sessions in a 12 month period.
It's £2 per a session for guest runners (please bring correct money, as the leaders won't be able to give change)
It would be helpful if ahead of your first session you could fill out this online disclaimer form.
Important Information
Safety Gear: During Autumn and Winter months, high-visibility clothing and a head torch are ESSENTIAL to take part.
Club Minimum Standard: You should be able to comfortably run 5k within an hour.
Parking: Please park legally and considerately to residents, ensuring you do not obstruct other vehicles.
Session Duration: The session is scheduled to last for approximately one hour. When choosing a route, please consider the distance, terrain, and elevation to ensure you can comfortably complete it within the allotted time.
Social Run Start Time: Please arrive by 18:25 to ensure you have sufficient time to register. Sessions commence promptly at 18:30.
Early Start Option: Available at 18:20.
Long Route: For runners expecting to take 60-70 minutes to complete the route (e.g. 9:40-11:15 minutes per mile or 6:00-7:00 minutes per kilometre for a 10k).
Please note: If you anticipate completing the route in under 60 minutes, please start at the normal 18:30 time. The early start option is not intended to allow for early departure after the session.
Short Route: This early start allows runners to "jeff" the route (start ahead of the main group and the run leader). This helps ensure a more even finish time for all participants, minimising waiting times after the run.
Runner Responsibilities:
Familiarise yourself with the set route prior to the session.
Register with a run leader at the start of the session.
Strictly adhere to the set route. Do not take detours to either increase or decrease the distance. Any extra running should be completed either before or after the session.
Inform one of the run leaders who are taking the social run that you have safely completed the run before leaving.
Ideally, run with someone of a similar ability. We understand this may not always be possible or desirable. If you find yourself running alone and feel uncomfortable or vulnerable for any reason, please loop back to the next runner behind you. A Run Leader will always be at the back of the group if you need assistance or prefer to run with them.
Road Safety:
Where possible, keep to designated paths and be mindful of pedestrians, giving way where necessary.
When running on roads, be aware of traffic and run single file towards oncoming vehicles.
Risk Disclaimer: Participation in these sessions is undertaken at your own risk.
Route Schedule
What is planned for the next few weeks?
Risks & Safety Guidelines
The wearing of appropriate high-visibility clothing (both fluorescent and reflective) and the use of a head torch or chest torch are essential during Autumn and Winter months.
Running carries inherent risks. Please be aware of the following:
Traffic Safety: Sections of our routes may involve running on public roads or footpaths. Always be mindful of traffic, especially when running on roads. Run single file towards oncoming traffic. Be extra cautious when running in residential areas, particularly when vehicles are reversing. Be mindful of other pedestrians and give way where required to do so.
Trip Hazards: Be aware of potential trip hazards such as uneven surfaces, tree roots, and loose gravel, especially on trails.
Weather Conditions: Be prepared for changing weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and cold temperatures. Dress appropriately for the weather and consider carrying rain gear.
Injuries: Running can carry the risk of injuries such as sprains, strains, and overuse injuries. Listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain.
Personal Responsibility: You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing during all training runs. Ensure you are adequately prepared for the run, including proper hydration and nutrition.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times and pay attention to your fellow runners. Adhere to all instructions listed above and given by the run leaders.
The BADGERS Running Club does not accept any liability for any injuries or accidents that may occur during training runs.
By participating in BADGERS Running Club training runs, you acknowledge and accept these risks.
Risks & Safety Guidelines
Wear appropriate high-visibility clothing (both fluorescent and reflective) at all times during evening runs. Use a head torch or chest torch during evening runs to improve visibility. These are essential to take part in the session.
Running carries inherent risks. Please be aware of the following:
Traffic Safety: Sections of our routes may involve running on public roads or footpaths. Always be mindful of traffic, especially when running on roads. Run single file towards oncoming traffic. Be extra cautious when running in residential areas, particularly when vehicles are reversing. Be mindful of other pedestrians and give way where required to do so.
Trip Hazards: Be aware of potential trip hazards such as uneven surfaces, tree roots, and loose gravel, especially on trails.
Weather Conditions: Be prepared for changing weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and cold temperatures. Dress appropriately for the weather and consider carrying rain gear.
Injuries: Running can carry the risk of injuries such as sprains, strains, and overuse injuries. Listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain.
Personal Responsibility: You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing during all training runs. Ensure you are adequately prepared for the run, including proper hydration and nutrition.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times and pay attention to your fellow runners. Adhere to all instructions listed above and given by the run leaders.
The BADGERS Running Club does not accept any liability for any injuries or accidents that may occur during training runs.
By participating in BADGERS Running Club training runs, you acknowledge and accept these risks.
Risks & Safety Guidelines
The wearing of appropriate high-visibility clothing (both fluorescent and reflective) and the use of a head torch or chest torch are essential during Autumn and Winter months.
Running carries inherent risks. Please be aware of the following:
Traffic Safety: Sections of our routes may involve running on public roads or footpaths. Always be mindful of traffic, especially when running on roads. Run single file towards oncoming traffic. Be extra cautious when running in residential areas, particularly when vehicles are reversing. Be mindful of other pedestrians and give way where required to do so.
Trip Hazards: Be aware of potential trip hazards such as uneven surfaces, tree roots, and loose gravel, especially on trails.
Weather Conditions: Be prepared for changing weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and cold temperatures. Dress appropriately for the weather and consider carrying rain gear.
Injuries: Running can carry the risk of injuries such as sprains, strains, and overuse injuries. Listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain.
Personal Responsibility: You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing during all training runs. Ensure you are adequately prepared for the run, including proper hydration and nutrition.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times and pay attention to your fellow runners. Adhere to all instructions listed above and given by the run leaders.
The BADGERS Running Club does not accept any liability for any injuries or accidents that may occur during training runs.
By participating in BADGERS Running Club training runs, you acknowledge and accept these risks.
Risks & Safety Guidelines
The wearing of appropriate high-visibility clothing (both fluorescent and reflective) and the use of a head torch or chest torch are essential during Autumn and Winter months.
Running carries inherent risks. Please be aware of the following:
Traffic Safety: Sections of our routes may involve running on public roads or footpaths. Always be mindful of traffic, especially when running on roads. Run single file towards oncoming traffic. Be extra cautious when running in residential areas, particularly when vehicles are reversing. Be mindful of other pedestrians and give way where required to do so.
Trip Hazards: Be aware of potential trip hazards such as uneven surfaces, tree roots, and loose gravel, especially on trails.
Weather Conditions: Be prepared for changing weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and cold temperatures. Dress appropriately for the weather and consider carrying rain gear.
Injuries: Running can carry the risk of injuries such as sprains, strains, and overuse injuries. Listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain.
Personal Responsibility: You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing during all training runs. Ensure you are adequately prepared for the run, including proper hydration and nutrition.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times and pay attention to your fellow runners. Adhere to all instructions listed above and given by the run leaders.
The BADGERS Running Club does not accept any liability for any injuries or accidents that may occur during training runs.
By participating in BADGERS Running Club training runs, you acknowledge and accept these risks.