Join Us
Join the BADGERS Running Family!
Become a BADGERS member and unlock a world of running benefits. We offer a variety of membership options to suit your running lifestyle and goals. Whether you're looking to improve your running fitness, make new friends, or challenge yourself as a runner, we have the perfect membership for you.
BADGERS Running Club: Membership Options
First Claim Membership (£40 / £30 )
Become a full member of BADGERS Running Club.
Gain full England Athletics (EA) affiliation.
Eligible to represent BADGERS in all races.
Enjoy full access to all club training sessions and online groups.
Second Claim Membership (£18 / £10)
Ideal for runners already affiliated with another running club.
May be eligible to represent BADGERS in certain races (subject to the race rules).
Enjoy full access to all club training sessions and online groups.
Social Membership (£30 / £22)
Join the club for training and social activities.
Unaffiliated with England Athletics.
Not eligible to represent BADGERS in league races.
Enjoy full access to all club training sessions and online groups.
Junior Membership (£22 / £16)
For runners aged 12 to 18 years old.
Gain full England Athletics (EA) affiliation as a member of BADGERS Running Club.
Eligible to represent BADGERS in all races.
Enjoy full access to all club training sessions and online groups.
Full Year Membership
(1st March 2025 - 28th February 2026)
First Claim Membership - £40
Second Claim Membership - £18
Social Membership - £30
Junior Membership (12- 18 year old) - £22
Half Year Membership
(1st September 2025 - 28th February 2026)
First Claim Membership - £30
Second Claim Membership - £10
Social Membership - £22
Junior Membership (12- 18 year old) - £16
Please Note: If you have already submitted an online membership form for the current membership year, please do not submit another form. To update your information or make any necessary amendments, please contact our Membership Secretary.
Guests Runners
Guest runners can attend for a maximum of 4 sessions in a 12 month period.
It's £2 per a session for guest runners (please bring correct money, as the leaders won't be able to give change)
It would be helpful if ahead of your first session you could fill out this online disclaimer form.
Benefits for Affiliated Athletes
Club affiliation and athlete registration form part of the UKA Rules for Competition. Eligibility to enter competitions as a club or individual depends on affiliation (club) and registration (individual) status. Please see the UKA Website for full information.
You can click here to download the Club Affiliation Benefits & Services diagram from England Athletics.
Moving Clubs?
The online process for registered athletes moving their first claim membership between England Athletics affiliated clubs, is as follows:
Sign in to the myAthletics portal, using your URN (England Athletics registration number) and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the request new password function (Please check your spam/junk folder for this email, if not received within one hour).
Once signed in to the myAthletics portal, click on the ‘Club Transfer’ tab found on the left-hand side menu. This will bring up the ‘First Claim Club Transfers’ screen. This will show any ‘In Progress’ or ‘Previous’ club transfers.
To start the change of club application, click on the ‘Start New Transfer’ button.
Enter the name of the new club you want to transfer to in the relevant space and enter any comments you want to send to the club you are wishing to leave. Once both boxes are completed, click the box in the bottom left-hand corner to confirm you have read and agreed with the terms and conditions for the transfer. If you are exempt from payment (U15’s & those returning after three years) you will be taken to the transfer complete screen.
Billing Information. Please complete the marked boxes for the address your payment card is registered to and then click the ‘Review and Pay’ button.
Check your details are correct on the next screen and tick the confirmation box in the bottom left-hand of the screen and then click on the ‘Go to Payment’ button to proceed to the next screen.
Select your payment method and enter the requested card details. Once entered click on the ‘Pay £10.00 now’ button and complete your change of club transfer.
A club transfer complete screen will appear giving details of the next stage of the process and contact details for England Athletics. You will be kept informed on the progress of your application by email.
Your transfer request will be sent to club officials at your former club. The club has 28 days to respond to this request.
If this is your first club transfer application in 12 months, once approved by your former club, your transfer will be completed the next day.
If this is your second club transfer within 12 months, your application will go to the Eligibility Committee on the 11th of the month, and will be cleared on the 1st of the next month (subject to competition ban)
Need your URN?
Need to find your England Athletics Unique Registration Number (URN).
Go to England Athletics website and use their Licence Check.
You can search for your URN by entering your First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth.