Week Ending - 2024/05/26


With a rare weekend off between league races, many badgers chose to rest and recuperate before the onslaught of three races in a month. However, an intrepid trio set off far and wide to take on their own punishing challenges. Heading north to the fine city of Edinburgh were Prof Elizabeth Peel and past club captain Carl Savage who took on two of the longer distances at the city's Marathon running festival. With nine events over the weekend, this event can attract over 30,000 people but with atrocious weather conditions on the day it was only the hardy runners who ventured out. For Liz, it was a trip down memory lane for having already completed over 100 marathons, half marathon 54 started outside the Uni of Edinburgh medical school where she used to work. A steady run on the back of an injury resulted in a very respectable 2;07:37 . Carl's marathon attempt didn't get off to the greatest of starts with a sudden downpour just before the off making for an uncomfortable 26.2 miles. A finishing time of 4:02:26 in those conditions was even more remarkable with Carls saying "If it had been a little warmer and with the course being a little long I could've dipped under 4 hours" ever the perfectionist. 

Heading in the opposite direction Mark Cordiner took on the arduous London to Brighton 100k Ultra marathon to raise money for the 'Young Lives V cancer' charity which supports children, young people and their families. With severe weather causing diversions in the night Mark eventually finished with an overall distance of 70 miles a fantastic achievement.

Badgers were once again 'out in force' at various parkruns throughout the country with Beth Woodward (2), Dave Jackson (3) and Victoria Jones(3) being amongst notable performances with the biggest Badger turnout being at Tamworth Castle grounds where Maggi-Savin Baden celebrated with family and friends.