Desford 5
2021 LRRL Runion League - Race 4
Race: Desford 5
Club: Desford Striders Running Club
Date: Sunday 5th September 2021
Time: 10am
Distance: 5 Miles - MAP
Entry Fee: TBC
Entry Link: Event Entry - SOLD OUT
Club Waiting List: There is a waiting list for transfers, please contact your captains to be added to the list.
Transfer: Closes 3rd September
Race Limit: 600
Venue: Sport in Desford
Address: Sport in Desford, The Flying Fields, Peckleton Lane, Leicester LE9 9JU, United Kingdom
Lift Share: Due to the current situation, we will not be organising a lift-sharing meeting point on the morning of the race. Members are free to arrange lifts with other members or the club captains can help facilitate car shares for those who require it. Please contact your captains for more information.
The Desford 5 is part of the Leicestershire Road Running League series. This will almost certainly be the last chance to run the race over this course as proposed industrial development is set to see the bridlepath between Desford and Peckleton rerouted later in 2021.
It is a closed event only open to Clubs that are affiliated to the LRRL.
The race is run over an undulating course set in the beautiful countryside of West Leicestershire.
Certificate of course accuracy no. 20/154
Parking has been arranged at the Neovia Logistics site - please follow the marshal's directions. Please car share where possible and do not park on the grass verges near Sport in Desford.
Race HQ is Sport in Desford. Only one representative from each participating club to visit and collect all club team members' numbers and distribute.
Water available at the finish only. There is no water on the course.
The 2021 league will be a stand-alone league of 5 races and won’t continue from the abandoned 2020 league season
• There will be no promotion or relegation
• The league will be called the “Reunion League”
• Team scores from all 5 races will count – there will be no dropped scores
• Individuals will need to run 4 of the 5 races to count towards individual prizes
Tournament structure:
The tournament will be the same format as the 2020 Lockdown League - 4 pools of 7 clubs (one pool with 6), the top 2 clubs from each pool will race it out in The Grand Final.
Depending on the finishing position in the group stage clubs will be put into an A, B or C final so there is everything to play for at the last race.
Pools to be drawn randomly - no seedings or geographical groupings (if it leads to a "Group of Death" - so be it!) The draw will be made live on the LRRL Facebook page on Sunday 13th June at 8pm.
Team sizes:
Mixed teams made up of 8 runners - 4 men and 4 women. Included within this must be at least 1 vet man, and 1 vet woman. In the event a club's top 4 male or female runners are seniors or juniors, the 4th runner will drop out of the team score and be replaced by the highest placed vet. This will reduce the total number of runners each club will need in order to compete for team prizes and hopefully ensure everyone gets a fair crack of the whip.
Although the main competition will be between mixed teams as outlined above the league will also publish male and female league tables based on the 4 fastest male and female counters, again including the vets.
In order to encourage social distancing at the start line all league tables, both individual and team, will be calculated using chip time and not gun time.
Team prizes:
There will be prizes for the first, second and third-placed mixed teams in the competition. There will also be prizes for the first male and first female teams. Prizes will only be awarded if sufficient races are able to take place.
Individual prizes:
To count for individual prizes runners will need to compete in at least 4 of 5 races.
Prizegiving will be subject to numbers completing the required number of races taking place. It is anticipated there will be prizes for:
Top 6 Seniors
Top 3 all other age categories, subject to the number of competitors
Awards evening:
The aim is to hold a face to face awards evening as in previous years. This is subject to Covid restrictions and sufficient races taking place to award prizes and for the league to generate the income to pay for them!
Team Scoring
Men – 4 runners (includes U20, Senior Men and VM40+)
Ladies – 4 runners (includes U20, Senior Women, and VW40+)