2014 LRRL Winter League Race 3
2014 LRRL Winter League - Race 3
Race: Markfield 10k
Club: Beaumont Running Club
Date: Sunday 9th February 2014
Time: 10:30am
Distance: 10k
Entry Fee: £3.00
Venue: South Charnwood High School
Address: South Charnwood High School, Broad Lane, Markfield LE67 9TB
Lift Share: We will be meeting at Harry Hedgehogs for 9:20am, leaving 9:30am prompt and travel over together!
There are changing facilities and showers at the school.
Parking is in the School grounds. Space is at a premium, so car sharing is essential and will help the environment! Otherwise please park as directed by marshalls - there is strictly no on-road parking.
Safety is the responsibility of the runner to assess his/her own fitness to run. Also to ensure his/her clothing is suitable for the weather conditions. All runners must keep to the left-hand side of the road throughout the race unless directed otherwise.
Property left unattended at the venue is at the owner's risk. Dogs are not permitted in the school grounds except for guide dogs.
Course officially measured. One lap, quickish, undulating, run in anticlockwise direction. Starts & finishes at the school.
Race Results
Results can be found on Run Britain here
League Tables
Please check back after the race
Individual Points
Please check back after the race